Thursday, 2 November 2023

What do pilots do when they don't fly?

There is a misconception the pilots are packed in a box when they don't fly, waiting for the next flight. In fact pilots do stuff between flights. First to note here is when pilots don't fly, they also don't read their mail, that's why they come 4h earlier than expected. For better use of that time pilots set a fire in the fireplace, make a tea, talk about spins and spiral dives and can even read a little (Douglas Murray "The strange death of Europe". Quite funny (I was laughing out loud really) to read that "from an employer's viewpoint there is an obvious advantage to the mass import of cheap labor" and still trying to build a point by criticizing mass migration "of cheap labor", while living in capitalism. Well, most of the population is becoming poorer, but you should understand how exactly capitalism works, shouldn't you?)

So far so good, I was standing there all beautiful, modern, fashion dressed (sarcasm), and it was time to walk in a mud, operate a shovel and be exposed to an open air nature. At the pre-arranged time or so all available pilots begin doing real-real stuff marking the holes on the runway and filling them up with soil.

The first load of soil is over and it's time for one more...

And all work continues.
At some point some pilots take tractor driving lessons. If you were looking for a tractor driving lessons - you just missed an opportunity!

(Remark: This single tractor driver lesson didn't immediately make this particular not-yet-a-pilot a qualified tractor driver, or even a beginner, or a "specialist" - how the other pilots were joking.)

The day is ending, the job is done, and it's time to head back.

Finally the pilots can enjoy the beautiful sunset. It is beautiful, isn't it?

Now back in my box waiting for the next flight.

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